Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well it has begun.
The big man is driving now. it started yesterday on the way to Tg Karang. Both mother and son were sleeping . I thought to myself as I was yawning and struggling to stay awake, "Hey old man! Your son has a license to drive! Why are you driving?"
So.... I woke the sleeping kid. "Get up, Get up ! Drive!...

I tell you, I didn't blink a moment after handing over the wheel to him. All the way, I kept reminding myself to motivate and not to scream. Stay calm.. Cool...Praise him..
The missus must have been jealous as she didn't get the same treatment. it was always,:
"Change gear lah, apa lagi. tengah sangat lah, release clutch cepat lah, habis lah clutch aku." And she never drove again with me in the car......You see.. I learned a good lesson there.

Then the dreaded request to take the ladies shopping/marketing/visiting happened in the morning just as I was lazing down on the cushion with the Sunday papers.
My reply : Adeep can drive you there.
Wifey : Boleh ke?
My reply : Aik da ada lesen, apa takut. Ikut traffic light, cross roads only at major junctions.
Ok tu
Next, was a quick rush to the shop to get the "P" sticker. And I had the whole afternoon to myself, no ladies, no children, no cats, no visitors, no students, no complaining teachers,no sms, no television, just me and myself.........phew pure pleasure , peace.... (sorry Rizal, got here first)

Oh no....just remembered he still has to make that journey to and fro safely. And the missus is the driving instructor, adviser/supervisor/guidance councilor/ and a bunch of aunties in the back seat.
He might change the radio settings, the driver seat settings, change the angle of the rear and side view mirrors, and there might even be ladies' stuff all over the car. And there will be a permanent "P" sticker on the cars for two years least!
Oh my God, have I released a monster on the road?
Oh God, safe my family from the monsters on the road!

It gets worse...he already has control of my guitars , keyboard, PC, TV remote, my bike, my mind, my heart and even my mother and siblings. He has taken control of all things and people precious in my life. And worst still, they might think that they have no use for me all. I may cease to be important!

Suddenly all this being alone doesn't seem so exciting after all.


Rahmah said...

what do u drive naim? too many rules!!

cikgu yassir said...


now we can see vios with P sticker .
and a year then... vios with big spoiler , big spotrims. hehehe

Anonymous said...

yeah!!! big2... new skirtings... floting spoiler.. 20 inch rims.. turbo charger.. new muffler.. fuel injection.. and a ROCKING paint job.. air brush!! hak3... ooppss...

new breaking system also ar..


actually r... mother was no difference la.. all the way to tesco..n come back also r.. very2 noisy one ma...

"stop!" "break!" "to fast la!!" "go go go!"

"eh jngn2... sempit too!!!"

hak3... mothers..

rizal hashim said...

Hahahaha, I can relate to this ref, at one time my wifey was open to the idea of being the second chauffeur in the family but each time she drove I would act as the DG of JPJ, so she grew fed up and gantung kunci for so many years huh! Until recently when my bro in law left his cute car before going off to turkmenistan and wifey suddenly saw the need to drive the kids around! The second time I just enjoy the ride and keep my mouth shut! It worked heheheheheheh.

Anonymous said...

Hantam aje naim.Apa peduli rule ke tak rule ke orang hantam aje.Yang penting tak kena saman... udahlah 2
bagi bonus untuk yang tak salah. Yang salah boleh dimaafkan... inilah orang Malaysia.... budaya kita kan..kan..kan.Orang maki lagi disanjung inikan pula baru nak buat salah..ok lah 2.
Aku baru nak joint... kalau salah mohon maaf...bye CU.

jay gill said...

Looks like you too are realising that you are losing control/ownership. Wonder what else you'll have to give up, yeah/

cikgu yassir said...

to adeb...

haha... my father ...always noisy... slowlah... cannot drive honda only can drive kancil. honda have big rim ...when langgar lubang rim bengkoklah...

u known what i do?

i just rempit myself all over to utm (diploma) and upsi (degree) then...

i buy my own car.. altually 2 cars... :>


Salam dari Maldives,
Its been a long time I see your writings. Don't put your talent to waste. Longing to read more of youyr ideas.