Suresh and Muazi with the course instructors
Suresh, extreme right
My boys Muazi and Suresh are right on track and what I started a few years ago seems to be bearing fruit. they have again been selected to participate in the AFC Project Future Referees Development Program. It will be held in Kuala Lumpur this time around and they have been regulars since 2007.
Suresh is the youngest participant and makes me proud that they are the only two referees selected from Malaysia for this batch. Both are former students of SMK Telok Panglima Garang Muazi being a year senior to Suresh is already a National referee and God willing Suresh will follow suit later this year. They started off as footballers in my school team and I pointed them towards refereeing and they never looked back.
They are my proteges and I hope they will go a long way and achieve more than I did as an active referee. They have age and fitness on their side and a burning desire to succeed. Armed with the 3 'D's that I have drilled into them, "Discipline", "Determination" and "Dedication", I pray that the good lord will help pave the way for them . These three words were once spoken to me by one of my mentors , Mr Koh Guan Kiat, the Selangor FA Referee Board Chairman.
Suresh has just found work as an accounts assistant while Muazi has only recently been accepted into FAMA as a marketing assistant and I just received news moments ago that he has been posted to Port Klang. Thank God Almighty as if he was posted somewhere far away, it would be difficult to monitor his progress. I was a bit worried about their careers as this could be a hindrance or a stumbling block to their progress. Now that this is out of the way, I guess it's full steam ahead.
Another one of my students from Suresh's batch, Firdaus joined the army and is now serving in Johor Baru. I enlisted the help of Zul Jantan and Mr Sinnaya , friends and experienced referees, to help develop him. Mr VKS Sinnaya is one of the refereeing legends in Malaysia and I watched and learned from him from the stands as a young referee in Selangor. He is presently the Referee Development Officer attached to Johor FA. Another refereeing great is also in Johor, Mr Steven Ovinis, former FIFA referee and FAM Referee Board member. I guess Firdaus will never be short of advice if he needs them. He is in safe hands.
I also worry about their involvement with the fairer sex as undoubtedly this will surely influence their life as referees. Not only the referee has to sacrifice but everybody around him, friends, family, extended families, colleagues and the like. Your life partner or intended one too has to truly understand and share your dream of reaching the pinnacle. We can't have unwanted emotional baggage to drag around.
I hope I can groom more to follow their footsteps. My small share of helping to develop Malaysian football. I started with Muazi, my first "baby", and a few more after him of which Suresh stood out. They are proof that everybody has a chance and with the right coaching and guidance, the sky is the limit.
Muazi and Suresh, everybody in SMK Telok Panglima Garang is proud of you. Always remember, wherever you go, you carry the flag of our nation and the name of your teacher. The ball is now in your court, the world is at your feet.
Tahniah Teachuhman... baru menghasilkan adik/anak Ref akan datang khusus untuk 1M.... kerja berat hasilnya datang pelan-pelan janganterlalu ghairah... timba ilmu yang terbaik dari guru-guru yang baik...bukannya rakan PHD...
Walau bagaimanagpun perlu sabar ..buah yang baik perlu dibaja,dijaga,...baru dapat hasil yang baik.
Perlu ada pengganti seperti Pak Mail,Dr.Subra,Mr.Kiat,Selearajan,Clement Ambrose,Ciku Ponnu,Nasaruddin,.....Ref tahun 80 an,90 an.
SELANGOR DULU,KINI DAN SELAMANYA TETAP ...MAJU KE HADAPAN....jangan mudah putus asa... pengganti baru muncul...beri sokongan ...bye.
Tahniah...U dah hasilkan anak didik yang terbaik didunia REF.
Banyak onak dan duri perlu diredah..biar kita berjalan bertatih..jgn cepat nanti terjelungkop...toleh kiri..toleh exersice yang baik buat Ref..
Jangan cepat berjalan laju...
nanti terbentes kaki sendiri..foul tak?..bye.Ini sikit nanti aku tambah lagi.
Thanks Ody Meah
Memang susah menghasilkan seorang referee. Nak hasilkan seorang referee yang bagus lebih susah. Nak bina seorang referee yang cemerlang serba lengkap memang satu dalam seribu pun belum tentu.
Saya sendiri telah banyak kali kecewa dalam menunggu dan mendidik bakal pengganti dari daerah saya, kira banyak kali jugalah tergelincir bila anak buah terbantut tengah jalan.
Anyway, semoga Allah Taala memberkati usaha kita bersama dan semoga doa kawan-kawan dapat memberi saya tenaga dan semangat untuk terus berjuang. Insyallah
Ref, moulding and training someone to follow your footsteps is never easy. I hope you succeed. Paramount is your protege's desire to improve themselves and fulfill their optimal potential. In so doing, they will make you proud, regardless if they one day officiate the final of Malaysia Cup or the FIFA World Cup.
Bos, I salute you! I don't know what else to say. I'm very impressed. As a teacher, if I managed to do what you've done... wow! I can't even describe how happy and proud I would be. Keep up the good work!
I bet those kids will forever be thankful to you for realising and encouraging them in polishing their true potentials. Kudos!
bravo naim..i tabik spring pd u. i tahu u ada semangat yang lain dr yang lain. i pun turut berbangga dgn anak-anak smktpg yang bakal menjadi pelapis referee utk masa depan.tak sangka suresh pun bakal bergelar ref mcm muazi.I really hope they can fulfill ur ambition and mana tahu one day both of them jadi ref utk world cup..
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