In his own words: "In refereeing, you only get one chance, you must use it to the best"
He gave us and the world his best, there is no way anybody can replace him.
What's left is for us to carry on the challenge and realize his visions.
Many of us left feeling lost and promised to draw strength from each other. Our beacon of guidance is gone, but he has always brought us together even in his 'death'. He had paved the way, set the standards and led by example.
We promised to 'continue the struggle', that was the message whispered into ears between those emotional hugs that knew no barrier of race, religion or creed. We are all brothers who have lost our 'Abang'.
Today I remembered all these quotes by some of our 'greats', and how they relate to this very special man that had come into our lives.
Nik Ahmad: "Always remember, as a referee you are an ambassador,
you carry the nation's flag wherever you go.
Everything you do reflects upon our country."
Koh Guan Kiat: "As a referee, you must have 3 D's ,
'Discipline', 'Dedication' and 'Determination'."
Dato George Joseph: "As a referee, you may not become rich ,
but people will remember you as an honest man"
Allahyarham Nazri, did our country proud, lived a disciplined life, was totally dedicated to his family, nation, religion, and refereeing, was determined to improve the standard of refereeing not only in Malaysia but throughout the world, and of course, he did it all with a sincere heart, never expecting anything in return.
The tributes are endless and messages continue to pour in. Read here , and here also in Kosmo.
The words touched people who never even knew him, Malaysia has lost a gem, a legend.
My brother, Nazri Abdullah, shall never 'die', he will always 'live' within me, this I promise, I will carry on the struggle.
May Allah All Mighty, bless his soul and place him among the righteous.
Ref, thanks for linking my stories to your posting.
I hope you will do more better thing for the good of referee.I wish you all the best.Try to do some courses for the young refs.Allah lebih menyayangi Abg Nazri.
pengunjung baru anda...tahniah
tahniah.....>pengunjung baru
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